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W strukturach naszego zakładu znajduje się zespół inżynierów odpowiedzialnych za rozwój wyrobów. Przyjmując filozofię by być jak najbliżej naszych klientów, osoby te uczestniczą w rozwoju wyrobu od momentu pierwszego zapytania do momentu uruchomienia produkcji seryjnej.

In the first stage, our engineers, in consultation with the customer, the sales department and the laboratory team, conduct a feasibility analysis. As an interdisciplinary team, they agree on the required parameters, clarify doubts in order to achieve one hundred percent satisfaction with our products among our customers.

In the second stage, the product is designed by defining individual creases. The product concept is verified using the QFORM plastic forming simulation program. Thanks to the simulation, we can recognize weak elements of the process and correct them before starting to make the product.

In the third stage, based on the defined product technology, a set of tools is developed. This operation is performed using Solid Edge software, and the tools are made by our tool shop (which gives us full supervision over the first prototype set).

In the fourth stage, the R&D team, in cooperation with dedicated operators, conducts technological tests.

Thanks to the competences of the R&D team and having the ability to make our own tools, we can ensure quick and effective servicing of our services in the field of launching new products.